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Special Kids need a Special Program

Dear Friends of Living Channel

Kenny is an adorable 12-year-old with down syndrome.  He has an infectious smile and a hug for everyone.


Kenny was attending school and learning to read, write and do basic math. Because Kenny would get up from his desk and go visit his friends in other classes, the school asked him to leave. Many children with disabilities are capable of learning basic skills, which would increase their independence and long-term quality of life. Unfortunately, the schools in rural Rwanda do not have the training or space to work with children like Kenny. 

Elizabeth attended school for a short time, but lack of funds meant her parents couldn’t afford to pay school fees for all their children.  Forced to choose they send the children most likely to learn at the local school.  Elizabeth stays home and helps her mother instead, losing the skills she worked so hard to gain.


Schooling and Vocational training in animal care and other skills will allow children like Kenny and Elizabeth to be better accepted by their communities and help them contribute to their family’s income. Currently there is no place for children with disabilities to get this kind of training.  Our Ability Center will be the first of its kind in Rwanda and will be a model leading the way to a better future for many children with disabilities across Rwanda.

This month we are thrilled to be able to start our pilot program with our first specialized class of 3 children with mental disabilities, providing an educational plan tailored to their specific needs. The children will start learning basic literacy, math and how to care for chickens and work in the community garden.

Elizabeth, Mutoni and Kenny are excited about the chance to go to school and learn.

Two special education resource teachers here in Canada will be teaming with our teacher in Rwanda to develop the teaching strategies and helping make sure the children are learning their needed skills.

Kenny, Elizabeth and Muton have sponsors that are allowing them to attend our program.  We are grateful for the generous people who have chosen to sponsor them, more sponsors will allow us to expand our program to other children still waiting to go to school. Sponsorship of $49/month will provide appropriate education for each child.

You will receive a picture of your child, progress reports 3 times a year, and the opportunity to send emailed letters of encouragement.  Won’t you sponsor a child today?

We are in the process of fundraising for an expanded Ability Center and Sewing Coop that would provide ongoing care, education, and rehab for the children, with respite, job training and counselling for their parents. If you would like more information, click here:


To partner with us donate here

To have someone come and talk to your church or group about this or other projects email us at info@livingchannel@ca

God bless

Esther and Julia

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